Many Libra tattoos use this scale as their basis. Libra Symbol Tattoos. Libra also has a glyph, which is a written symbol. This symbol looks like two parallel lines, but the top line has a half-circle in the middle of it. This glyph is one of the more common Libra tattoo designs you will see.
The Libra Tattoo Designs The libra is dated back to ancient Greek days. It’s associated with the goddess Themis and is known for being a symbol of justice. A classic libra tattoo is of the goddess Themis or Justicus holding the scales and symbols. The libra is part of the Zodiac and is the seventh sign. It’s a symbol that personifies the scales of justice and is the astrology sign for ...
Libra, the seventh sign of the zodiac epitomizes balance, harmony and a sense of fair play. It is symbolized by the scales which are a popular motif for Libra seeking to get their zodiac sign tattooed on their body while the symbol itself is also a common design for Libra tattoos.
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